
I am....

I am Sarah Brown - a girl living in Fargo (North Dakota) - a place I never expected to end up.  I was raised in the Twin Cities and LOVE city life however I am slowly starting to appreciate all the little wonderful things about Fargo and the surrounding areas that make it such a special place to live.  Although I crave hopping back over to the city side something tugs at me from right where I am.

I work as an interior designer at a local design center and am always amazed at how my wonderful clients and industry partners change and shape my life.  With all of the hard work, emotion and inspiration from my clients and I embedded in each project - I feel the need to share the outcomes.  Hopefully they inspire you to start you own project, get new ideas or see a little bit of beauty in the smaller details that make a home your own.

My husband Thor, our little guy Brock and I (and our little dog Bailey) recently purchased our first home in 2011 and are working on slowly renovating it to reflect our personality - although as always - our clients (he works for a contractor - and on most of my jobs too - he does such a good job!!) always come first so many of our projects and yes - I mean many - are on the back burner.  I LOVE sharing how our spaces turn out  - so stay tuned!!

 I hope that my blog inspires you to start your own project, help another with theirs or just to see beauty in your environment!


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